Monday, July 26, 2010

Jake's 1 year Photos

Jake did an amazing job at his second professional photo shoot. I don't think he remembers the first one, since he was only a day old, but he's a natural. These are just some of the 80 shots that we have on CD and we do have a bunch of hardcopies that we will be getting to the grandparents soon...

But enjoy some of our favorites in the meantime...some of his expressions are PRICELESS!!!

I am a serious athlete. Seriously Serious.

Wait - this thing moves....AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHH!

He had so much fun on the radio flyer - Andy thinks we need one at home!

He did not like the profile shots at all - he did not want to cooperate on these and the lighting wouldn't work - maybe because he's so pale, like his mother???

He loved that bear!!!!

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