Thursday, August 20, 2009

Team Dunn enters the Blogosphere...

Team Dunn is on the web! I decided to start this blog (thanks Marianne for the idea) to keep up with our newest addition to the family - since I am in no way crafty or too much of a Type A perfectionist to make and finish a baby book - I am resorting to a mass communication tool. Hopefully, I'll keep up with adding entries and being that Andy thinks he's a photo journalist, but never remembers to take pictures - this could prove interesting, but we will try to add new images as events and every day moments occur. Here goes the neighborhood...

So Team Dunn expands to 3. Jacob Thomas was born in his father's shadow on August 10th at 12:46am and weighed in at a healthy 7lbs, 9oz. He was 20 inches long and decided he needed to meet the world face up and smiling, I mean crying...or was that me??? It was not the smoothest labor, but after 2 hours and 45 minutes of pushing, ripping out IVs Andy is supposed to fix, my mom shoving ice chips in my mouth and the nurse and doctor telling me one more push over and over - HE FINALLY ARRIVED. I must say I had 2 incredible labor coaches in Andy and Grandma B. They were very patient with me and my mom didn't even say much about the foul words that flew out of my mouth. I guess labor is the one free pass you get from your mom on that!

After a little stint in the hospital, where Jake (as we have already nicknamed him) wowed the nurses and the photographer with his style, we came home to start our new lives together. I did keep expecting someone to run out and take him, only to explain that Andy and I were unfit to be parents - which is probably true - but who is ever prepared. Anyway, after a clean getaway - we have settled in to somewhat of a routine. Jake dictates my life and I have to learn to live with that. He actually is an amazing baby. He has the Dunn calmness to him where he doesn't get upset over much - just hunger, dirty diapers and the occasional gassy feeling. Now, if only he didn't think it was so funny to pee on us when we're changing him..that has to be a Dunn trait, too!

Week 1 at home went by in a flash, thanks to all the extra help we got from Grandma - who was really great at following the new rule of "There's NO Crying in Baseball" until she had to leave her newest grandbaby. Thanks for letting us catch up on some much needed sleep!!! Week 1 also included some fantastic food from Andy's co-workers. It has been so nice to not have to think about dinner for the last week...and a surprise every night...can't beat that. Our first week at home ended with a visit from Poppy and Jordan...who filled our freezer with good stuff, so we really will be eating quite well for a while. Jake was very well behaved for their visit and I think slept through it on either Poppy or Jordan. He's spoiled already!!!

Week 2 has passed pretty quickly, too, but we're getting out a little more. Jake and I had our first solo adventure as we drove up to the Day Care and got signed up and then visited the girls in the office for a bit. He loves the car - put the car in gear and he's's awesome. Then Wednesday, it was off to our first visit with the pediatrician - Dr. Carter - and Jake continues to amaze and astound the medical community with his perfection. He has already gained some weight and is up to 7lbs, 14oz. We did have to go back today, because they messed up our metabolic testing at the hospital, but the doctor isn't worried about anything showing up. Jake also experienced his first Jiu Jitsu class last night as we watched some of Andy's friends test for their blue belts. Jorge, the instructor, is ready for Jake to join the class and bought him his first gi!!! It is still a little big, but with the hormones Andy is feeding him, he'll be in it in no time! JK! We are looking forward to the end of week 2 as Grandma Mary Ann comes for a visit on Saturday and will give Andy & I some additional help and maybe we can get more sleep...I mean I was pale to begin with, but the zombie look doesn't look good on anyone!

Well I hear the little guy stirring, so that's my cue to get a move on and deal with his every whim...more soon!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! Keep them coming, we can't wait to meet him! Sounds like you are adjusting well to motherhood. Take care and give Jake some hugs and kisses for all of us!
