Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Videos

Halloween Pictures - Our Little T-Rex

Jake had a great time Halloween weekend. We went to the neighborhood party on Saturday afternoon, as Andy & I had to work some of the games and he had a blast. He jumped on the big inflatable for a few minutes, before the big kids got there and then found the buried treasure game. He loved holding the tools and digging in the sand. We lasted a good hour in the costume before nap time hit and he was too hot to take it anymore!!

We tried Trick or Treating and Andy & I took turns trying to take him to houses, but he was more interested in walking up and down the street and waving at the kids. We made it all the way up to only one door - b/c Andy carried him up to see our friend Karen. So, I think Dad was a little disappointed he didn't get any candy.

Waving at the Trick or Treaters that were walking by.

Having a good time with Dad getting ready for Trick or Treating.

I'm a Dinaosaur - ROAR - oh wait -I have a pacifier in my mouth.

What is this thing on my head??

oooh Bubbles!!!

See Bubbles....

Sand Tools are fun to hit things with.