Friday, October 29, 2010

Kevin & Luisa's Wedding

Andy looked great in a tux. But for some reason, we never got a photo of us together with our camera. Oh well. Here are some photos. Andy was the Best Man and did an excellent job. He didn't lose the rings and he gave a great toast. I have the wedding video, but its over 20 mins and I'm sure you all know what happens at weddings - I do, I do, kiss...married.

PIctures from G & G Baur's

While we were enjoying Kevin & Luisa's wedding - Jake was having a great time with Grandma and Grandpa Baur. He loved tackling Grandpa and giving all kinds of hugs to Grandma. Hopefully he'll stay this sweet to everyone!

Latest Jake Video - Go DAWGS!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Grandma B Visits

So I had to leave my boys once again and go to Chicago to learn about the Lap-Band for our Bariatric Program. Very Exciting Stuff. Andy was lucky enough to get Grandma B come down to help while I was away and here are some of her pics. We are finally cutting a few more teeth - the one on the bottom is actually cutting through, so it is really happening this time!!! Otherwise, we are pointing all the time, grabbing my nose and everyone else's, trying out words like "more" and "Tuuuukaaaaiiiiiiii"!

I last in my chair for about 2 seconds at a time.


I am going to get CANDY!!!

Happy Boy!

Look at all my toys!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

PIcs from Visit with Grandma MA

A big Thank YOU to Grandma MA who came to help Andy as I travelled to Iowa. Here are some pics she took of our little guy - who is ALL OVER THE PLACE!