Friday, June 18, 2010

Our New Scooter

Everyone who has seen this, has asked for video evidence, so here it is. Yes, he's mobile now. Lord help us!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Texting while Driving already...and other cool stuff

Ring around the Roseola Virus

Team Dunn had a fantastic Memorial Day dealing with Jake's Roseola Virus. Granted we had no idea what it was or what he'd had a reaction to, but I must say our kid is a serious trooper. Thursday night he was running a temp of over 105 at one point - needless to say a little freaking out ensued and we called G & G Baur, Grandma MA and the Pediatrician office. Sorry we woke everyone! Got him in Friday and it was a virus in his throat - strep test negative and not hand foot, mouth disease. Yeah for us. Doc said fever would break within the next day - no mention of a rash, though, and so when he broke out Saturday night into a bright red polka dot, we had no idea what happened. He didn't have a fever and wasn't clawing at it, so we hung on until the doc office opened again Tuesday and we were back for the diagnosis. If only the doc had told me we (the parents) could get it too...since its 4:30AM and I am upddated the blog hyped up on Tylenol and sweating out a fever of 102.8. AWESOME! If I break out in a rash - I'll be sure to post those, as well, because my skin isn't sensitive enough! Good Grief! Team Dunn is over random childhood viruses!

First Time at the Pool

So we finally ventured to one of the pools in the neighborhood - It only took almost 3 years, so Andy figured that from the Homeowner's Association Dues we've paid we're down to $900/visit to the pool. We've been twice now. Jake loves the water and even better, loves to come home and take naps after we wear him out in the sun/water. He will kick in the deeper water, but he is more interested in just walking around. It seems easier in 1.5 feet of water, I guess. Enjoy the pics.