Saturday, October 24, 2009

1 week until Halloween!!!!!

We've had another great week with our boy and he continues to be a wonderful, happy baby. Jake has been pretty congested this week, so we have gotten to use the bulb ALOT. It works, but it is disgusting. We finally got the humidifier going last night and I think we are all still smelling menthol! Today, Andy & I packed up Jake in the stroller and did a 3 mile walk for Breast Cancer in downtown Atlanta. They had over 16,000 people show up and it was good weather - a little cool and overcast, but no rain. We had a great time and it was great to see all those people out there exercising and supporting Survivors. Now its nap time, because that was an early morning. Then we're off to carve our pumpkin...who knows how I'll screw it up this year. Maybe "Heave" will come back from the dead. ("Heave" was what Andy named the first pumpkin we carved together...well the first one I carved where he was there to watch!) Halloween is fast approaching, so I'll have posts next week of the Halloween costume and all the outfits during the week...poor kid. Oh and 1 last point of interest - Jake got his first hairbrush last night. He doesn't have any hair, but Andy is determined to brush it (with a part like his Dad's!!). He's outta control!

The Rest of Team Dunn

I have been informed that I am slacking in my Motherly duties by not including all members of Team Dunn on our blog, so this post is dedicated to our other boys, Seamus & JP.

Seamus - the Wonder Dog

Seamus is currently sitting on my feet as I type this and keeping them warm. He is the most loving and special dog - EVER. Andy is convinced he is invincible. The baby is crying - Seamus kisses him on the head. Seamus owns our king sized bed and will continue to pull out toys until he finds one you will play with. He is the biggest camera hog I've ever seen. He poses for every picture. He is our best friend and keeps us all on schedule, as long as its his schedule...

JP - the Cat

JP is currently hiding somewhere - either in blankets or on a kitchen chair. He does not like anyone, unless you have some type of meat product or a treat bag nearby. He does like to keep tabs on everyone, so no one can surprise him, but don't expect him to acknowledge you, unless you have food. He does love to curl up in blankets - as evidenced by the photo above and he also likes to try and squeeze himself into shoe boxes, then tear them to shreds. He does sleep with his Mom every night and then proceeds to wake her up at 5AM, because what else???? He's hungry. He is a beautiful cat and has a meow only a mother would love, but if he escapes out the back door one more time - Andy may leave him there!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Jacob telling Mom about his Day

Almost 10 weeks - WOW!

What a happy baby!

Put him in a body bag, Johnny! YEA!!!

First day of school in Grandma MA's outfit!

Reading "Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich" with Mom!

So we have survived the first round of shots. It was brutal for Mom - when he turned purple with the silent scream, I wanted to scream for him. He got 3 shots in the leg and then one they give by mouth. He got some Tylenol before and then when we got home he got more and was fine until about 7pm, when the Tylenol had worn off and his legs were on fire. It took a bath, another dose of Tylenol and a little cereal for him to finally pass out and stop crying, but he did sleep until after 6 the next morning. And yes, I said cereal. The boy weighed in at a hefty 14 lbs, 3oz (pretty much doubling his body weight in 2 months) and has grown 4 inches since birth. No one believes he is only 2 months old to look at him - besides the fact that he is so advanced!! Back to cereal - the doc approved giving cereal at night and then gradually introducing it during the day with his formula. He also gets to have some apple prune juice - yummy... or not - to help with digesting the soy which does tend to back him up a little. The juice only happens about once a week and I think it will be the night before he goes back to daycare, so they have to change those diapers...hahahaha! We are going to stick with the soy, just because when we switched the first time - it was a little rough on his system, so since he is doing just fine with soy and there isn't a price difference - we'll deal with the smell for the duration.

As for daycare, Jake is loving it and they love him! He is the youngest baby right now in the infant class and every time I pop in to check on him, he is cuddled up on someone's chest or cooing at one of the teachers. They love having him and have all remarked on how calm he is. They don't really understand Andy's fashion sense for him (with all the Halloween outfits), but they all get a big grin when he comes in waiting to see what Dad has dressed him in that day! Jake had a lot of curious babies on his first day and when they put him in the bouncy chair, the ones that could, all crawled over to check him out. I think one of the little girls, London, has a little crush on him, so I'll have to keep my eye on her! They already have his foot prints up on the wall and are determined to get his hand prints before long. I have been very impressed with how caring the ladies are to all the children and that has made it a lot easier to leave him every day. The one thing I wasn't ready for was the temptation of having him so close to me. Every time I get a break at work, I want to walk over there and play with him. I have limited myself to only going once a day during lunch, but then its really hard to leave him again.
As for his other progress, Jake has mastered moving his head and follows us as we walk around him. He can hold his head up for minutes at a time and now even has conversations with us! I love when he makes his high pitched squeal - it is the cutest! He smiles almost constantly (if he's not hungry or wet) and really recognizes Andy and I. Andy is working on his hand/eye coordination and depth perception today, trying to get him to grab toys and give him high fives. He is quickly getting the hang of it, too. Next the left handed knuckle ball - according to Andy!!! Pretty soon he'll be all over the place and I'll be longing for the day that I could put him down and walk away, come back and he's in the same spot!!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

2 Month Pics and Videos

I love my pumpkin shirt!

Packed up to go for a walk on a chilly night.

Bubble beard - the only hair I can grow quickly!

I love bath time with Dad!!

Having fun in Uncle Chris's monster outfit.

Good times in the whale tub!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Mom's Back to Work - Where did the time go???

Well our little guy is 2 months old - it is so hard to believe. I am back at work, so trying to get pictures posted becomes more of a challenge, since they are on the home computer and I don't get in front of that hardly at all during the week, so I will try and post pictures and videos tomorrow. Going back to work hasn't been as bad as everyone led me to believe. It is no picnic, but knowing that Jake has been in great hands with his Dad this week made it a lot easier. Also, thank goodness Grandma B came for a quick visit and give Dad some help, since I have a sinus infection and can't go near the baby. Anyway, here's the latest on Jake...

We finally got the verdict on his galactesemia - he is a carrier, but doesn't actively have it. So, we can go back to regular formula which smells slightly better than the soy. Really bottom line is Jake just needs to be careful when he tries to have kids, since if he marries someone who is a carrier - their child could have it. But, since that is way too far down the road and too painful to think about right now, we'll move on.

Jake is a FANTASTIC baby and I'm not just saying that as his mother - he really does rule. He is sleeping through most of the night now and by most I mean he passes out at 10pm and doesn't start stirring until 5:15am and even then can be coaxed into falling back asleep for another hour. All of this is really helping Andy and I, since we are getting more sleep now, too! YEAH!!! He is still eating like a champ and guzzles down 7oz without a problem. We may have to introduce some cereal a little earlier than expected just to keep up with how much he is growing. I'll check with the doctor on Monday when Jake goes in for his first set of immunizations. I am not looking forward to this visit, since he won't be a happy camper. So we have a big week next week - Monday = shots then Tuesday = daycare. I have checked in with the ladies who will be watching him a couple of times this week and they are so excited to have Jacob come in. They already have a little cubbie labled for him and everything. I think this will be the big test for me - letting someone else who isn't related watch him, but since he's really close I can check on him whenever I want.

Lastly an update on Jake's gang - everyone is now born. Adi and Pete had their little boy last Saturday, so Jake, Owen and Camden will be ready to take over Newnan before we know it!!!

Pictures/Videos posted tomorrow...I hope...