Saturday, December 26, 2009

More Pics and Video

Jake is ACTION!!

Video of Jake in his new bouncer...

Jake's 1st Christmas with the Baur's

Jake was spoiled by his grandparents this Christmas and it started with a visit from G-ma and G-pa Baur. They were kind enough to watch him while Andy & I went to his work Christmas party and then were treated to Andy's famous Chocolate Chip waffles (Seamus was utterly disappointed he couldn't have one, since there was chocolate in them) and presents the next day.

Jake's First Christmas

Jake had a wonderful Christmas and Andy & I certainly enjoyed sharing it with him. Santa brought him a bouncy thing which he loves and is trying to figure out how to grow faster so he can bounce higher. Andy & I are already sick of the music and I'm sure it will only get worse!!! We are lucky that he is feeling better - he had another round of bronchitis, this time with an ear infection. He really is a trooper - other than the fever and congestion - he gave us no signal he was sick. He either has an incredible pain tolerance or isn't that smart. We'll stick with the pain tolerance excuse for now!! He is weighing in at 18.7lbs now, though. From our last appointment to this one (which was only 10 days later) he gained over a pound. Yes, we have started eating fruit and cereal, but a pound a this rate he'll be the next All American O-Lineman for the Bulldogs!!! Here are some pix and video from the big day...

Seamus Eats a Waffle

Here is a little film where Seamus eats a waffle. They are one of his favorites. He did get his annual cheeseburger happy meal for his birthday on Christmas Eve, but no video of that this year. Please enjoy - we know Seamus did!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Catching Up in time for Christmas...

I know, I know. I'm a slacker. I should stay up all hours of the night to keep everyone posted on all our activities. I would, if I could keep my eyes open, but since that rarely happens, I'm lucky to have finally gotten presents wrapped and the Christmas cards mailed. Since this is the last thing on my current to-do list, it's time to get up to date and start a new one!!!

Things for the Dunn's have been hectic the last month! Jake came down with bronchitis, which meant little to no sleep for any of us. He is finally sleeping again, but still a little congested. He also got his 4 month shots. He is such a trooper. He cried for about 1 minute and then was over it - or the Tylenol I gave him kicked in!!! At his 4 month check up, he weighed in at a VERY healthy 17.4 lbs and has grown to 27 inches and we have been given the nod of approval to start feeding him serious solids. At almost 17 and a half pounds he needs them. He now knows what his bottle is and as soon as he sees it and you shaking it, he gets the biggest grin, because he loves to eat! Now feeding him from a spoon has been nothing short of entertaining. He takes a few good bites, but most of it is still ending up all over his face, his hands, his bib or me. But, we'll get there. We are going to try and introduce some applesauce with the cereal to see if that makes it a little easier to take for him.

Andy and I have a hard time paying attention to much else other than Jake, since he now talks almost constantly and has really discovered his hands. He likes to grab things and shake his rattles, then of course, put everything in his mouth! He is close to rolling over and pretty soon his weight is going to help him accomplish it! He gets his head and shoulders turned, then will lift his leg up to bring it over, but he just won't swing it all the way over, yet. He also is super strong. He doesn't like his bumpo seat anymore, either, and does all he can to lean back out of it. Santa is bringing him a jumper activity center for Christmas, so hopefully he will love bouncing up and down in that (and then spitting up applesauce and cereal everywhere, I'm sure!!!!).

Otherise, we saw Santa when he came to the neighborhood clubhouse and Jake loved him until Santa wanted a closer look and Jake saw his beard. Needless to say, it freaked him out a little. Later that day, we met up with Poppy and Jordan to take Jake to his first hockey game. He did really well considering it was during bath and bed time. He loved the first period and then promptly fell apart during the first intermission. I got him back together for the beginning of the second where the Thrashers scored their first goal. The horn sounded and the look of shock on Jake's face was priceless. I thought he was gonna lose his mind, but since he saw everyone else cheering, he starting laughing and smiling, too. He fell asleep pretty soon after that, so we headed home after the 2nd. We apparently missed one hell of a third period and overtime, but I'm sure there are many more sporting events in our future.

Grandma and Grampa B are coming today to celebrate Christmas with us early and we can't wait to see them. I want to see if Grandpa can make him laugh that hard again. Andy and I have tried, but I guess we aren't funny looking enough!!! Just Kidding! Well Love to all and we hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Jake's First Thanksgiving

There is only one word for Jake's first Thanksgiving - JELL-O. Thanks, Dad, it was delicious.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

15 weeks ALREADY

Wow - time flies when you don't have any! Things here are great, but hopefully will slow down a bit over the holidays (yeah, right!)! Jake continues to grow and every day seems to recognize more tings about us or himself (most recently - his tongue - he keeps sticking it out at Andy!). He is almost sitting on his own - if he isn't tired he does pretty well, but once he's over the edge - he falls over like his head weighs 20lbs (Oh - wait, I think it does!!!). Anyway - this is a quick one with photos from the last few weeks! Happy TURKEY Day!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Jake & GA/FL Game

"Really - this is the best you can do - disgusting!"

Evil Eyes aimed at the UGA coaches

"I am shocked and horrified that you had 2 weeks off and let FL drive down the field on their 1st 2 possessions - did you not do anything for 2 weeks????"

Just wanted you all to see Jake's reactions to the GA/FL game. We feel so bad for our little boy - his first sports year is not turning out very well!!!!Add Image

All Hallow's Eve

We had a great Halloween and Jake tolerated our behavior! We didn't go trick-or-treating with him because it was rainy and because he has been so congested. We got really excited for next year, though!!! Enjoy the pictures.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

1 week until Halloween!!!!!

We've had another great week with our boy and he continues to be a wonderful, happy baby. Jake has been pretty congested this week, so we have gotten to use the bulb ALOT. It works, but it is disgusting. We finally got the humidifier going last night and I think we are all still smelling menthol! Today, Andy & I packed up Jake in the stroller and did a 3 mile walk for Breast Cancer in downtown Atlanta. They had over 16,000 people show up and it was good weather - a little cool and overcast, but no rain. We had a great time and it was great to see all those people out there exercising and supporting Survivors. Now its nap time, because that was an early morning. Then we're off to carve our pumpkin...who knows how I'll screw it up this year. Maybe "Heave" will come back from the dead. ("Heave" was what Andy named the first pumpkin we carved together...well the first one I carved where he was there to watch!) Halloween is fast approaching, so I'll have posts next week of the Halloween costume and all the outfits during the week...poor kid. Oh and 1 last point of interest - Jake got his first hairbrush last night. He doesn't have any hair, but Andy is determined to brush it (with a part like his Dad's!!). He's outta control!